I Pledge Allegiance

Nicole Olimpia
3 min readFeb 8, 2021
Photo by little plant on Unsplash

Every day as a child as soon as school began we would start the day pledging our allegiance to the flag. It seems like something so clear, the flag right next to then President George W Bush. Now, things changed so quickly, we all have seen the riots that occurred on January 6,2021 at the Capitol. This was an event that was unprecedented but there are so many underhand issues that should be addressed and seem to keep being brushed under the rug and continue to be weeks later. Congress people keep harping on the risk of their safety and the fact of the matter is half of them are unwilling to do something like defund the police because they are unwilling to back a phrase due to lack of moderate constituent support. The fact of the matter is that lockdown drills in schools are natural occurrences in low-income communities. Growing up, I could not enter my school without walking through a metal detector, being wanded, and having my bag checked. After Newtown, we had twice as many lockdown drills as normal, it seemed like they were a biweekly occurrence. Perhaps if Congress people visited these low-income communities more often they would understand what instances like these were and how to react when they occur. Is the capitol not supposed to have tighter security? During the Black Lives Matter peaceful protests they were armed to defend a militia. How can you defend not taking more action during an insurrection led by what was essentially an anti-government militia.

Congress continues to call for unity without having a reason. There continues to be a slew of executive orders signed and no action taken on the legislative side of things. In order for unity to start it seems like there needs to be a change in the Legislative branch and how they progress legislation. Perhaps if there was not as much gridlock within Congress there would not be so much disparity between party lines. Executive control was used greatly in the last Presidential term and it is beginning to be seen in this one too. The concept of checks and balances is for this not to happen. Perhaps then, Congress can get on the same page and actually have some form of unity within the country like they so desperately want or we can finally move to a 3–4 party system to support our differences.

There is still so much backlash on whether what happened on January 6,2021 was really that big of a deal. This seems to be from our more conservative Legislators like Ted Cruz who thinks the Paris Climate Agreement is to benefit the citizens of Paris and not to benefit all of mankind to clean air; it is simply named that because it was signed in Paris. Yet, our more conservative Congress people are the first to support the police, except in this scenario. Maybe because the officer that defended the mob was not white. They are also the first to state how Black Lives Matter protests were unnecessary. However, if anything, this should prove to those that did not understand before just how necessary they are. Why are we still arguing something that is so clear at this point? So I ask just who these Congress people are pledging allegiance to? Trump, or the people of America who actually pay taxes.



Nicole Olimpia

Writing my thoughts on Politics and the World around me.